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Posted on April 18, 2017
If you’re like most women, you’ve tried endless creams and lotions for cellulite. You may have even tried expensive wraps or treatments, to no avail.
Well, you’re not alone. Millions of women throughout the world are going through this nightmare. But, with a little knowledge, you can start to unravel this lumpy problem.
You see, cellulite is actually a combination of many things happening underneath the skin. And Once you have that ‘aha moment’ over what cellulite is, you’ll know how to fix it!
Deep below the skin’s surface are tiny pathways of connective tissue, made from Collagen. When we are young, those tiny pathways are rich with healthy blood supply. They form a nice even ‘mesh’ around the body. So we have smooth looking skin. Think of it like a smooth pair of pantyhose, keeping everything, in place. Over time, two things happen:
First, connective tissue becomes damaged, and it starts to buckle and ‘rip’. Just like a tear in our pantyhose.
And second, this allows fat, fluid, and toxins from beneath the skin to spill into the‘pocket’ of space.
And the result is what we call Cellulite, which appears as dimples and puckers beneath the skin.
Remember those fat, fluid and toxic pockets I mentioned? Well, they can get bigger over time. And this creates bigger ‘spillages’ into those pockets. So you can have a tiny bit of cellulite…or a lot. But both will respond to the right treatment.
Connective tissue depends on Magnesium. It’s role is to balance the growth and breakdown of collagen, and elastin. Without enough magnesium, our connective tissues weaken, and struggle to ‘grow’. But that’s not all.
Magnesium is an electrolyte that reduces fluid retention. And it is a crucial mineral in detoxification. This reduces those unsightly pockets, making them smaller and less visible.
It might seem too good to be true, but Magnesium isn’t called the ‘miracle mineral’ for nothing. In fact, it lends itself to over 300 crucial biochemical reactions in the body.
But, we need a certain type of Magnesium for our best cellulite results.
The reason we need transdermal Magnesium is all down to our gut. Our gastrointestinal tracts are not what they used to be.
These days we are plagued by things like: constipation, heartburn, IBS, and bloating. And conditions like, candida, leaky gut, reflux, bowel disease, ulcers and more! With all this going on, our gut becomes a toxic place, and unable to digest and absorb nutrients.
So health experts now recommend that we use transdermal Magnesium for effective absorption. It bypasses the gut and transports this essential nutrient to the target cells without interruption.
If you experience any of these gut problems it’s likely contributing to your cellulite also.
Magnesium Oil, The Best Treatment For Cellulite.
Transdermal Magnesium oil is the best way to treat cellulite. Be consistent, so you can replenish your levels. Over time, it will help to regenerate connective tissues and assist in flushing fluid and toxins.
But please, don’t just get any old Transdermal Magnesium Oil. You want the purest Magnesium Chloride… mined from deep ancient seabeds. It’s not even an oil it’s the ‘oil like brine’ of pure 100% ionic Magnesium.
You may feel a tingle from the Magnesium Oil, this is normal. This shows that you have 100% pure Magnesium Chloride.
Lumps And Bumps, Finally Gone!
Use Magnesium to boost connective tissue growth, and reduce bulgy cellulite pockets. Always look for pure, ionic Magnesium Chloride oil. Better yet, choose one blended with cellulite essential oils. Stay patient and you can reduce cellulite naturally.